Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept 11

Another Year. Another Reminder. Another example of evil that exists in the world.

It's also near the second anniversary of my dad's death and the second year he has missed 9/11.

Some memories of that fateful day and the days that followed: my father buying the NY Post every day and saving the articles; hating that he would have no work on 9/12 (he wasn't afraid to go right back to work); having 9/12 off from school and visiting the nursing home to get some papers signed after volunteering there; watching the news; reading the names of all the "missing" persons; talking about our feelings among friends.

One need not be a chamber to be haunted;
One need not be a house;
The brain has corridors surpassing
Material place.
~Emily Dickinson, "Time and Eternity"

Friday, September 5, 2008

My new favorite candy bar!

Not too long ago, some friends brought me some Canadian candy. When I tried one Nestle Coffee Crisp, I became hooked! This candy is sort of like a Kit Kat bar but its richer, thicker, and tastier. I wish they had these in our stores but unfortunately I hadn't seen one yet. So here it is, my new favorite candy bar! Yummy!!!