Well this is the first time I'm writing in this new journal so let me give it a try! I've been really busy lately with school, my internship, and my new job. So far, I've been balancing it out the best that I could. I'm currently looking for a new internship for next semester but no such luck. The school that I work in told me that it's not in their policy to allow me in on counselor/student sessions today. After saying "nice to meet you my name is _____," she went on to say that working there would be "impossible." What can I say? I was disappointed. After being really upset for about an hour, I realized that if it wasn't meant to be, I guess I will just have to do my internship somewhere else. I have until Jan to find a school or I can stay at the Catholic h.s. that I am in now. Only thing is, I will probably not be hired since all their staff in the guidance depart are new. *Sigh* Time will tell...
Why didn't AOL explain why they are shutting down our journals? Now I gotta figure out how to save everything...so annoying...anywhooo....
So I'm starting my new job in a public school tomorrow. I'll be working 4 days a week among my two days of internship and two days of classes. Not sure how I'm going to balance everything out yet but I will make it work somehow. Money is tight here and mom and I are saving every penny. Will try to update again soon to post how work is going for me!!!