Thursday, July 20, 2006

This and that

The Giant has jumped off me.

Now that I took my GRE (for Grad school), I feel like I can fully enjoy my summer without it nagging me. The office that I took the test in was very strict...I wasn't even allowed to take my sweater off. The man said "once you out it on, it has to stay on!" lol. I didn't mind, I was pretty much comfortable.

I have to point this out.

Another war? C'mon. I mean sometimes I understand it. I think that if someone hurts your son or daughter, you would definitely want to fight back and you wouldn't all of a sudden think "peace." I still don't get exactly wants going on between Israel and the other nations but it seems to have come all of a sudden. I know I might be wrong but I don't know what to think. If we look at the beginning of time, war has been going on forever so I really doubt there will be complete peace one day..

I'm enjoying this rainy, windy weather we have for now- gives a break from the summer heat wave. I just hope it doesn't rain on my Mets game tomorrow night!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer

I've gotten lazy this lazy, and I don't know why. I try going outside at least once a day and walk around or something to get excercise. Next week I have a GRE which is an exam for graduate school ~scary face~ and I just know I won't do so hot,lol. Ohwell

My Dad is hanging on although he seems to be confused. That might be his brain tumors playing tricks on him. It also turns out that the cancer had also spread to his knee and he had dual radiation for shoulder and knee for about a week and a half. If results turn out okay from this, then he'll be able to restart the chemo for the doesn't end but so doesn't our prayers.

Since its summer I hang out with my friends and boyfriend a lot which is always great and a mind booster. Last Sat, my girlfriend Monica and I went to this Polish club and danced with our other friends who met us there. I loveddd itt but my feet hated me afterwards. It doesn't matter, dancing with heels makes me feel sexy :)

My Mets are doing great this year, so a high five to all my fellow Met fans!!!!!