Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick Or Treat Thru J-Land



Gee my entry looks so boring compared to everyone elses. I'm sorry, I just haven't figured out how to get a better version and put up those smilies and make it look better. I was looking thru some "cool" journals lol and found that J-land is doing something really funky!!

Starting Friday night thru Monday night( which is today) visit as many J-Land journals as you can and leave a comment and a link to your journal as a treat :) the more you visit the more trick or treaters you get!!!!

Please call your entry "TRICK OR TREAT THRU J-LAND". If you come to a journal that does not have this entry title, consider it a door you knocked on and no one answered! Decorate the journal for Halloween (as you can see mine is very bland,lol). Leave links to your journal and only stop at each journal only once!!!

I joined it late but it's fun anyway. It's like trick or treating for grownups!!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

My Godson turns 3!!

Happy Birthday to you..

Aww my Godson Michael turns 3 today and I am not able to see him *tear tear* Why you ask? Because he is all the way in Poland and I'm all the way here.

I did get a chance to speak to him over the phone though but he was so excited that he didn't wanna talk, lol. He had a huge party and plenty of guests to tend to, haha. He is so smart. One day, my aunt told me, he asked his mom if he could go to the neighbors house (where there are no kids mind you only adults). This is what he said "Mom I'm leaving to go to the neighbors for some coffee" lololol. So he went and stayed there all by himself for over 3 hours!!!

*sigghhh* I miss him. I miss everyone there actually since half of my family is there. Ohh welll, I just visit frequently and that helps.

Oh boy I gotta go now to get ready for "North Country" that I'm seeing with Jay. First we're gonna go to Shop-and-Stop to get some munchies and drinks, lol. No way I'm spending all that money and popcorn that's too stale or drinks that are half filled with ice. No way hosay.

Happy Birthday Baby, MWAAA

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


To quote my Professor, "I feel like I haven't been dry for about two weeks"

Rain just won't go away here and when I do find a bit of land that has some sunshine upon it, the moment just gets ruined with a gust of air that can knock my socks off. I go to school not worrying about getting a disease from a dirty desk but worrying whether I'll stop in a puddle or freeze my ears that will really get me sick again.

It's also this time of year where I don't hear from like anyone. All of my friends seem to be non existent and secluded in their own worlds. I'm just grateful that I talk to like 2 people a day (family doesn't count). So what do I do? homework that keeps me occupied, nag at my boyfriend who lets me..usually :), eat, think about shopping, and prolonging making appointments such as for my hair. I watch the Series...poor Astros, they are really getting beat down. So that's what I'm doing.

Alright, I changed my mind. I just checked the weather and it's supposed to rain this Friday, the day I wanted to make my hair appointment. Why would I ever do that to my hair? Maybe I'll wait a little longer so that my hilites will look sexy and new for Thanksgiving.

Any excuse to NOT make an appointment.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I feel like nesting

Well I haven't written in a while because I've been keeping up appearances in my myspace profile. Not much has been going on and that might be because I have been feeling like a hen, plump and wanting to nest or hybernate. My aunt has been making all sorts of yummy foods that I've been indulging in without any regret. I've been sick this past week,so all my work has been sorta compromised and I still don't feel a 100%. I'm slowly getting better and have my hot tea and chocolate to sooth me,lol

So tonight is Game 2 of the World Series. Not really a huge fan of either because I don't know em but I love watching regardless. I don't think the Astros have ever made it this far so I might be quietly rooting for them,lol.

Long week ahead of me and November is just around the corner. Right now I better finish looking up info on Visual Neglect, an interesting little disorder :)

I'll try to write soon....if I don't feel like a hen again


Monday, October 10, 2005

I know that this is true..

It's been a rainy, dreary, working hard weekend and I'm sick on top of it all. Instead of complaining I thought I would think of things that I know is true in this world Unknown...

Alright, I know that THIS is true...

*my family loves me

* I have the smartest dog (because he smells does not count)

*I know that I want to counsel for a career (how I do it is still a mystery)

*not everyone is out to get me

*a lot of anger in the world is done out of selfish reasons

*jealousy is the root of a lot of evil

*many kids do not know the meaning of fear-and that is a dangerous thing

* I rather be a passenger in a car but a driver in my life

*I love Polish food and need to learn how to cook more of it (alright, all of it)

*I cannot live without chocolate

*having a breakup can make you appreciate a great relationship

*genorosity pays back in ways you cannot imagine

*you can take care of your body but Psychology takes care of your mind

                                     ***and lastly***

*making time for people, any person, is the most important thing in the world

 On a different note~I read this and I thought of you..


" Life presents lessons to you. You must decide, of all that comes your way, what is true and what is not, what applies to you and what does not. You are the real teacher, and the learning is up to you. "

I read that in my book of different quotes and I found it interesting

<3 <3 <3








Thursday, October 6, 2005

A hit on?

For the most part this sem, class has been class (except my classes with Jackie, those r way more fun). I do the usual, get my hw done on time, read what I have too..and try to do that on time but its trickier..and just make sure I get enough sleep and nutrition.

My class that I dread the most? Research Methods. Not because it's hard, but I get the feeling I will never actually meet with my own personal standards, which are ever so high!!

But last night something strange happened in class. For the first time in a long time, I felt I knew what was goin on and that I was "known". Some may know what I'm talking about, I felt that I wasn't just a face in the crowd. Anyway we got into groups and we started talked about personal issues while we were supposed to do work,lol. Well a kid in my group knows my bf and we just started talking a bit and then the weird thing happened.

Another guy from the group in a serious tone goes "wait so you mean you're taken?"

I just sit there for a second and nod and he goes "okay so I guess I'll have to tell my girfriend" "hahahaha"

What in the world? Why do weird situations flock up against me.

Well the whole group was just silent and I quickly went back to what I was doing.

Weird lab day...Still confused though, was it a hit on? If it wasn't then that guy needs some serious work on his sense of humor..

Saturday, October 1, 2005

So Paris Hilton broke off her engangement? I'm not surprised. Nor will I be if they get back together...

Melania Trump makes her first appearance after announcing her pregnancy by entering a ritzy New York restaurant and bumping into who???...Ivana thats who~Ouch!!

*sidenote- Hung out with Susan today and bought a very nice set of dark brown high heeled shoes, a snuggling sweater, and a cute, cute, CUTE pair of tight jeans. Oh Yeaahhh.