Friday, January 20, 2006

Back on Track

I am back on track and on schedule. School started Wednesday. I had been dreading January 18 throughout my wonderful break but the night before, I actually accepted what was coming,lol. I figure the faster I start, the faster I will finish. Firstly, I was tired of not doing anything and wanted to once again have a schedule. I also wasn't nervous as I was all my previous semesters. It may seem funny but I figured that if I can go through jury duty, be interviewed, and actually sit through a case and decide its outcome, then this was nothing! :)

I'm taking 15 credits and it seems like an easier load then last semester. I hope I don't have to eat my words later since I had just started reading Homer's Iliad. Arrghhh its sorta scary.

But do you know what helps me to relax after my studious hours are over? Watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. I love watching all the embarrassing auditions but I must say that after 4 seasons, the 5th is sorta boring. Everything has been done and they should come up with new ideas! But thats my opinion. Dancing with the Stars is more enjoyable to watch since I A)love to dance and B)am intrigued at how those girls can move those legs. I wanna do that...

So that was my week and I'm happy its Friday. Can't wait to go outside again and enjoy our mild weather here in NYC :)

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