Monday, January 16, 2006

Someone was desperate for change

As I had mentioned in my previous entry, last Friday my friend Monica and I went out dancing. Actually we had invited a lot of our other female friends and not one of them came. One friend in particular said she would "definitely" come and at the last minute said she wasn't able to. Whats up with that? I've never really had much luck with female friends and to this day I only have a select few that I regard as "true" friends. It also seems that having a serious boyfriend, a lot of other people seem to fade out. Although I would never trade my relationship with Jay for anything it seems that there is a trade such that if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, one tends to lose friends who are single or people that you associated with "just cause". I came to the conclusion that I know now who my true friends are since I met Jay.

So that Friday night after dancing, Jay came to pick us up to go to a nearby bar/restaurant where a ton of people that I havent seen in a while would be. We stayed there a couple of hours and then went next day I was changing things from one of my pocketbooks to the next when I realized my wallet was missing!!! I quickly panicked and realized that someone had probably stolen it the night before. I was going to hang out with Jay so he quickly came and we rushed back to the place hoping someone had found it and nothing was taken (wallet included everything from my school ID, credit card, some cash, etc etc...everything!!)

Luckily they had my wallet but all the cash and change(who would take change?!!!!) was gone! Being the sensitive me I had broken down and couldnt calm down for a long while. I felt stupid that I had left my purse near our jackets at the table and that the incident had probably happened then. THANKFULLY, everything else was still there but I'm never leaving my purse again. I just hope that I can go back to the place without feeling angry and violated.

And it was Friday the 13th..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course it was Friday the 13th! Sorry bout your purse.  Been there.  Hope you still had a good time anyway.  GBU, Shelly