Monday, September 26, 2005


hmmm I heard some peculiar news today....hmmmm

Other then that, not much going on today but just random thoughts and rambles. Senior year is next year and I really start needing to condense my choices and decide what I want to go into if I do go to Graduate school. Cuz the truth of the matter is, I don't know if I wanna spend a large, work-packed 2 years of my life if it won't guarantee me anything. Am I being reasonable, I think I am just being realistic. My major is Psychology and I do enjoy it for the most part. Several of my Professors are eh but thats only because they are Doctors and act all too well like them. Not saying anything negative about Doctors but you know what I mean. They use big technical terms and do not have a sense of humor. I don't want to be like that.

On the other hand, I still need to go look for an internship and I'm hoping that it will point me in the right direction. I'm not really worried about "working out there" because I know it will work out. I'm just not sure if school is what I really want to do but I might just have to.

I should be doing work right now but I don't want to. Re-writting my little one page paper seems insignificant now then it was last week. So I got a B- on my intro and paraphrase. Can't you tell what kind of nut this is? Yeah this is the one that I was yapping about a couple of entries ago. Right now I just don't care about it.

In English I'm reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot, who happens to be a woman but took the persona of a man!! Isn't that incredible. She didn't want to be "another female writer" so she did this. This was written like in the 19th Century so many woman writers had to really try to prove to others that they can be just as good as anyone else. Not digging it in the beginning, I'm really starting to get a hang of it now that I know more about Eliot's background and of the book.

Thats it for now, tootles

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Jurassic Park III= Fun

Weekend went very well. Starting on Friday...

Jay and I went to Jonathon's where we met his friend Anthony and then we all went to this place called Johnnie Rockets to eat. I wasn't all that hungry but I knew we would go to the bar laters so I ate up. Afterwards, we all went back to Jonathon's house to chill before we would go. We decided to watch Jurassic Park III which initially I wasn't all to keen on doing. Watching it with a group though makes all the difference cuz we were laughing our behinds off! Then we went to our regular place which seemed less crowded then usual but it was still good. Shhhhh, I got me a Long-Island ice tea but don't tell anyone *innocent grin*

On Sat, I went to see Jay's band "No Big Deal" play in this place called the Red Zone. I was very happy my friend Jackie could make it with her date and I hope they had a good time. Just to prove what kind of nerd I am, she even gave me a list to tell me how to print something out for school, lol. They didn't play my fav song but I got to hear like 2 new ones instead.

What else happened..hmm I got to test out Jay's new bed..yes, think what you want, think what you want :). I really liked his pillows, and I believe that it's time I should get a new one. We looked through old yearbooks, it was mighty mighty...what's the word I'm looking for? comfortable.

By the way. Dr. Pepper is nasty I dunno why so many of you like it out there!!! My fav is still the good ol' Coca Cola. I wonder where it got it's name from. Anyone know??

Anyhoots, back to homework!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Today I just want to write. And not to be graded on it. Yeah i started my sentence with "and" and "yeah" so take THAT Professor who shall be remained as G!!! I don't write well enough for ya, you say, well hmmfff!!! is what I say. My thoughts are clear but still shady for you?.....BUG OFF, is that clearer :)

I feel better now.

I like this font too.

I like a lot of things come to think of it. But not "Young Goodman Brown" by Hawthorne. Enough is enough, you read one of his stories and you get the idea of what he is about. I do like him though but not the story,lol

My boyfriends band is playing on Sat, yeeeHAWW. Not really country music, lol it is like punk rock but I am thinking about cowboy boots. It's in style right now but since I am not living in Texas, I will not buy them!! I don't get those people out there but owell, if it suits your fancy...

Speaking of Texas (see how each topic is related), I feel very badly for those in Rita's way. I just don't know, the South is not lucky this year. I'm hoping things will be more prepared as I believe they are. However you cannot stop Mother Nature, she has been doing her thing since the beginning of time.

Now i believe it is my time to go. This time I will update sooner thinking it's almost the weekend already. YEhawwww

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Just jabbing along

I wish I could use some smilies here but AOL won't allow me. Maybe I need to upgrade this thing or something but I do not know how to do it :(. See iIwould have used a sad smiley here which would have been more animated for you guys, lol. Owell

On to my weekend...

I thought I was gonna to get a panic attack yesterday. I have got so much work to do that for a moment I thought "how am I ever gonna finish this on time?". Thank God for Jason though, he is a lifesaver for me right now. He's doing me this huge favor and finding/printing a couple of articles that I need. The thing is, it took me an hour and a half last evening to find and print one damn article!!! Knowing that I have all of this other stuff, this is helping me a looot. Also, I am not such a computer saavy person so thanks Jay!! And I had a lot of fun yesterday *wink*

So today my mom, aunt and I went shopping. We bought a whole load of fun goodies so I had a blast. Tomorrow I am seeing my aunt, uncle, and cousin and later Jay and I might see "The Constant Gardner". For this I heard mixed reviews. It is not a comedy so if you want to think and learn, I heard that I should see it. It's long though, grrrr, but hopefully it won't be too bad.

I guess that was only half of my weekend.

One more thing before I go. I start work on Tuesday which means that I will yet try to find other ways to get my hw done. oyyy. It won't be so bad though because it is only twice a week and I like my job. I get to help kids (who already know me from the past 4 years of me working there). 4 years, is it really that long??? I had also gotten a raise, YAYYY. I won't say how much because I would like to keep my friends, haha. No really, it is not a fortune but I love it anyway!! So that's it. Till next time!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Is it December yet?

Things are beginning to get overhwelming. My classes are horrible. It is one of those semeters where in each class, the Professor thinks theirs in the only class that I am taking. In "Women's Writer's", we are expected to read our assigned book every week. This means that every day I am reading "at least" 50 pages...for ONE subject. This is not even my major!!

Each class is like this, I really don't know how things are gonna be when I start work next week. It feels like this wasn't as hard as last year. The good part is, is that I know more people that I see on a daily basis.

I had lunch with Susan today which was unexpected and nice. She also plans on getting an internship this year and so we are planning on going togther. We made other plans as well I just hope I am able to keep up with them considering this schedule.

Did I mention that i got drenched today by flying watered fireballs?

Ok so it was rain and not really fireballs but thats certainly what it felt like. Large globs of water and with this humidity that we are still experiencing, I was sweating and wet to the bone (with my umbrella mind you). Oh and I had a Sex and the City moment that was not fun either. I saw my bus and I was get to the line. This is already while I am soaking wet. So, what does fate decide to throw upon me? Well there is a really busy intersection near the stop and a car decided to beside me. I felt like I was at a beach; there was this huge wave (it seems) that went crashing at me. Needless to say, I was glad when I was finally at that bus.

Well I better get going seeing that I have a load of work to do. Cross your fingers that I do well :)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My 9/11 Memories

I will never forget...


September 11, 2001 changed my life in ways that I still cannot grasp even 4 years later. The thought of all those people that were MURDERED all before their time is just plain awful. I think that a piece of all New Yorkers' hearts broke a little that day. I don't mean to bring all the painful memories of that day back again. This is just my story of what I will remember of that fateful day.

I was a junior in High School and it was the middle of Bio class. Throughout the class we kept on hearing different names called to go down to the office. My friend Maggie was sitting next to me when we hear the first of many announcements. I will paraphrase; "I have some really sad news to tell you today. There has been a horrible plane accident in lower Manhattan". YEs that principal of mine called it a "plane accident"!! "I would like everyone to not worry and to finish this class. Afterwards everyone may proceed to return to their homerooms. If I find anything else out I will let everyone know promptly. Please do not panic or come downstairs. Thank you." Can you believe that? The World Trade Center had collapsed and she continued to call it a plane accident!! Needless to say people panicked.

I did not have a cell phone so I was not able to call anyone. I knew that both of my parents worked in lower Manhattan..I was scared to death. It was not until about 2 PM that my father finally picked me up. What he had to say was horrible. He worked about 3 blocks away from the WTC and he saw everything: the 2nd plane hitting the tower, people jumping from the windows..I couldn't believe City, destroyed.

Luckily no one in my family worked there and died. I did have a boyfriend though whose mother perished...that was horrible. I remember crying for days. I was grateful that I had the chance to visit the towers a couple years earlier and go on the roof and see the amazing view of the entire city. Today I cherish those memories. Nothing they will ever build will ever be enough for me. I want my towers back, not some damn old building thats "safe"!!!

I hate the people who did this. They deserve to be punished. To kill so many inncoent lives just because they hate America, that is pure evil. This is why I will always support out troops in whatever they do. I will never forget and I will always stand by America..<3 God bless the USA!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

A Wedding Update

So the wedding was on Saturday.

I had a lot of things on my mind... cousin getting married, the Reading that I had to do (did very well by the way), my parents meeting Jay, other ppl meeting Jay, the reception, making sure my hair was in the right place, making sure I remembered to take the pictures I was supposed to..etc.etc...

 It was a small wedding. Only 15 people. I think everything went well though. My parents like Jay which is very important. In any case, it was a beautiful day. The reception was in Long Island City, right near the water. It was a SPECTACULAR view of Manhattan. The restaurant is called Water's Edge and it is very ritzy; excellent service. The dessert was incredible. YUMMY. It was a wonderful night :)

I am happy. Now I have to start making plans for New Year's Eve. Monica and I want to go out, like realllly go out. Get dressed, get makeup done, go out. I'm sure we'll find something in the City if we reserve on time. I have to start looking but that won't be a problem :)

Tootles for now, Joanna

Thursday, September 1, 2005

I can't seem to get my eyes off the TV set it seems. Thinking about it, we are so incrediblely small in this universe. We cannot stop nature from running its course and she will, however way she pleases. Watching the news coverage, I just cannot imagine how something like this can happen..I will keep praying..

It was my second day of school today and some courses really look hard. This year I'm taking Intro to Psychology Methods, Physiological Psychology (I have a hard time just pronouncing it), Women Writer's of the 19th Century, English Studies, and Research Methods which also has a lab. Phew that is quite a handful with 16 credits total. I'm gonna have to work my bum off, especially in the areas of Psych and English since those are my concentrations. Starting to have second thoughts with Graduate School, lol. Thank goodness that I still have some time for that!

Today is practice for my cousins wedding. They had asked me to do the second reading and so of course I complied. Although I do have stage fright and get nervous in front of large crowds I figured this might be fun. My boyfriend is also going and he's gonna meet everyone which is about time,lol.

This is about it for now. Weather continues to be really hot but i don't care I am enjoying it before it gets cold again.
