I can't seem to get my eyes off the TV set it seems. Thinking about it, we are so incrediblely small in this world..no universe. We cannot stop nature from running its course and she will, however way she pleases. Watching the news coverage, I just cannot imagine how something like this can happen..I will keep praying..
It was my second day of school today and some courses really look hard. This year I'm taking Intro to Psychology Methods, Physiological Psychology (I have a hard time just pronouncing it), Women Writer's of the 19th Century, English Studies, and Research Methods which also has a lab. Phew that is quite a handful with 16 credits total. I'm gonna have to work my bum off, especially in the areas of Psych and English since those are my concentrations. Starting to have second thoughts with Graduate School, lol. Thank goodness that I still have some time for that!
Today is practice for my cousins wedding. They had asked me to do the second reading and so of course I complied. Although I do have stage fright and get nervous in front of large crowds I figured this might be fun. My boyfriend is also going and he's gonna meet everyone which is about time,lol.
This is about it for now. Weather continues to be really hot but i don't care I am enjoying it before it gets cold again.
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